A nice article from Yahoo News has just been published, authored by Alexandra Thompson, which contains a range of galleries, notes and advice for coping with the current Covid crisis.

It’s OK to be worried….

Why it’s normal to be anxious about the end of lockdown.


A gallery: Ways to lower stress and anxiety around coronavirus (Eat This, Not That!)

A gallery: Coronavirus in the UK – fifty slides by Alex Pantling, using the resources of Getty Images, to highlight facets of people’s response to an emerging new ‘normal’.

Finally, a detailed explanation of the latest health guidelines from the government.

See more on MSN News here: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/time-to-talk/why-its-normal-to-be-anxious-about-the-end-of-lockdown/ar-BB151CAs?MSCC=1591269894&ocid=spartandhp

Anxious Image: Niklas-hamman, Creative Commons, Unsplash

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