Health and well-being for all…indoors or out!

There is a plethora of support pages for this theme across the internet today. Here we will feature a growing list of resources, external to the One to One Project, which we hope is useful?
It will grow and change over time…
Mind UK – Tips for every day living
‘Living with a mental health problem can often have an impact on day to day life, making things that others might not think about a bit more difficult. We’ve put together these tips and guides to help you cope with everyday things like money, work, university and more.‘
Remember, you can find our contact details at 121 here. – Take the Buzz Quizz
Designed for young people, but helpful for all ages to find out their personality type . whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Quick and easy.
Knowing more about yourself helps you to define how you might best cope or understand issues in your life.
The NHS – Get fit for free!
These National Health Service web pages are packed with clear, simple exercise ideas for you to do at home.
Set yourself your target of 150 minutes of exercise a week? Then why not use your stairs as an exercise aid. Why not go out on your bike for your daily exercise…leave others a safe distance behind as you surge through the landscape.
Not directly focused on the current Covid crisis, but wide ranging and with useful techniques for every and any site visitor.
Good mental health is supported by good physical health. Try something with the NHS here..
Yoga with Adriene – the YouTube channel
Who does not like the calm, meditative exercise quality of yoga? Adriene is possibly the most popular practitioner on the internet, and her YouTube channel lets you do a whole sequence of courses, or find the style and pace that suits you best.
You can find Adriene’s complete, formal home page on the web here. Good luck with your practice….